
CC and SCC Machine

An obvious inefficiency of our first textual machine is the repeated traversal of the expression tree to find the redex. After each reduction step, it starts over again from the root node. We really don't have to do this, because the next redex is often the reduction result of current redex, or at least, closes to the current one. Let's consider the evaluation of the following expression:
(+ ((lambda x (lambda y y) x) 1) 1)
    => (+ ((lambda y y) 1) 1)
    => (+ 1 1)
    => 2

The redex for each step is underlined. In the first two steps, the redex for next step is just the evaluation result of the current redex. And in the third step, the next redex is the parent expression of the result of previous step. Actually, we can identify the next redex by checking the result of current one or its parent for every expression. Suppose the evaluation result of a redex is an application, if either of its children is not a value, the non-value child expression will be the next redex. Otherwise, the result itself will be the next one. Suppose the result is a value, its parent or the other child will probably be the next redex. We didn't do this kind of checking in the textual machine, because we only had the complete expression as our machine state, and the machine were not aware of the result and its parent. Though this could be obtained in the implementation, from the model view, the machine does only know the complete expression. So in this post, two new machines using the strategy will be defined to improve the efficiency.

CC Machine
According to the discussion above, if the textual machine knows the redex and its parent, it can easily decide what the next redex is, rather than traversing the entire expression tree again. To keep it running until getting the final result, not just the parent of the redex, but also the parent's parent should be recorded. The redex is the machine currently interested in, and it is called control string. Except the redex, the other part of the expression is called evaluation context, from which all the parents can be obtained. The two elements are paired together to form the machine's state. So this machine is called CC machine. Combining the control string and context yields the complete expression, which is the state of the previous machine. I'd like to call the complete expression as program. Initially, the program is the control string, and the context is empty. The termination condition of this machine is when the control string is a value and context is empty. Here is the reduction rules for this machine:
    1) If the control string is a value(identifier, constant or abstraction), remove its parent from the context, and set the parent as control string;
    2) If the control string is an application or primitive, and at least one of its children is not a value, put itself into the context and set the non-value child as control string;
    3) If the control string is an application or primitive, and both of its children are values, perform reductions on it and set the result as control string.

To find the first redex, we still need to traverse the expression tree, but the traversed nodes should be remembered in the context. Since only the parent of control string is interested for each step, and from each traversed parent, we can navigate to any part of the program, I use a FILO(First-In-Last-Out) list of the traversed nodes to represent the context(Actually, we don't need such kind of data structure if a pointer to parent node is added to each node, but this requires changes to the parser, so I don't choose this option). From the implementation view, the machines perform evaluations by popping and pushing control string into or from the context to find the redex. Here is the definition for machine state and the context:
// file: cc_machine.h
/* Use a LIFO list to represent the context. */
typedef struct contextStruct {
    TreeNode * expr;
    struct contextStruct * next;
} Context;

/* Machine state is a pair of control string and the context. */
typedef struct stateStruct {
    TreeNode * controlStr;
    Context * context;
} State;

From the reductions rules, we can easily derive the actions on context:
    1) If the control string is a value, pop the head node from the list and set the node as control string;
    2) If the control string is an application or primitive, and at least one of its children is not a value, push it into the head of the list and set the non-value child as control string;
    3) If the control string is an application or primitive, and both of its children are values, perform reductions on it and set the result as control string and no action for context.

Here is the listing of code:
// file: eval.c
TreeNode * evaluate(TreeNode *expr) {
    State * state = cc_newState();
    state->controlStr = expr;

    Context * ctx = NULL;
    while(!cc_canTerminate(state)) {
        if(isValue(state->controlStr)) {
            // pop an expression from the context
            state->controlStr = state->context->expr;
            ctx = state->context;
            state->context = state->context->next;
            ctx = NULL;
        }else {
                || !isValue(state->controlStr->children[1])) {
                // push the current expression into context
                ctx = cc_newContext();
                ctx->expr = state->controlStr;
                ctx->next = state->context;
                state->context = ctx;
                if(!isValue(state->controlStr->children[0])) {
                    state->controlStr = state->controlStr->children[0];
                }else {
                    state->controlStr = state->controlStr->children[1];
            } else { // evaluate control string
                if(state->controlStr->kind==AppK) {
                    if(state->controlStr->children[0]->kind==ConstK) {
                        fprintf(errOut, "Error: cannot apply a constant to any argument.\n");
                        fprintf(errOut, "\t\t");
                        return NULL;
                    }else if(state->controlStr->children[0]->kind==IdK) {
                        // find function from builtin and standard library
                        TreeNode* fun = resolveFunction(state->controlStr->children[0]->name);
                        if(fun==NULL) {
                            fprintf(errOut, "Error: %s is not a predefined function.\n", state->controlStr->children[0]->name);
                            return NULL;
                        state->controlStr->children[0] = fun;
                    } else {
                        TreeNode *tmp = betaReduction(state->controlStr);
                        if(state->context!=NULL) {
                            if(state->context->expr->children[0]==state->controlStr) {
                                state->context->expr->children[0] = tmp;
                            }else {
                                state->context->expr->children[1] = tmp;
                        state->controlStr = tmp;
                }else if(state->controlStr->kind==PrimiK) {
                    // only perform primitive operation if operands are constants
                        && state->controlStr->children[1]->kind==ConstK) {
                        TreeNode* tmp  = evalPrimitive(state->controlStr);
                        if(state->context!=NULL) {
                            if(state->context->expr->children[0]==state->controlStr) {
                                state->context->expr->children[0] = tmp;
                            } else {
                                state->context->expr->children[1] = tmp;
                        state->controlStr = tmp;
                    } else {
                        fprintf(errOut, "Error: %s can only be applied on constants.\n", state->controlStr->name);
                        return NULL;
                }else {
                    fprintf(errOut,"Error: Cannot evaluate unkown expression kind.\n");
                    return NULL;

        #ifdef DEBUG
            // print intermediate steps
            if(!cc_canTerminate(state)) {
                fprintf(out,"-> ");

    TreeNode* result = state->controlStr;
    return result;
Let's try it:
$ ./main
Welcome to Lambda Calculus Evaluator.
Press Ctrl+C to quit.

> (lambda x x) (lambda y y) 1
-> (lambda x x) (lambda y y) 1
-> (lambda y y) 1
-> (lambda y y) 1
-> 1

SCC Machine
Examining the reduction steps at the end of the last section, step 2 and 3 are the same. That's because after step 2, the control string is (lambda y y) and the context is the parent of it. Based on the rules, the machine pops the parent and set it as control string. The machine state is changed but not actual reduction is performed on the program, so the program for both steps are the same. After that, beta-reduction is performed on the control string. Actually, we only have two possible actions after step 2: performing beta-reduction or primitive evaluation on the parent node or setting the other child as control string. We can simplify the process by checking the parent node so those two steps can be combined into one. Rule 1) of the CC machine is now revised to:
    1') If the control string is a value and the other child of its parent is a value too, remove its parent from the context, perform reductions to it and set the result as control string. Otherwise, set the other child as control string.

The code needs only simple changes, so I won't duplicate it here. Here is the evaluation steps for the same expression, and the duplicated step is gone:
$ ./main
Welcome to Lambda Calculus Evaluator.
Press Ctrl+C to quit.

> (lambda x x) (lambda y y) 1
-> (lambda x x) (lambda y y) 1
-> (lambda y y) 1
-> 1

Compared to CC machine, SCC machile always has less steps. All the code is available at here.


Textual Machine

For a complex expression, such as a recursive function using Y, we may go through dozens of reduction steps until getting to the final result. Currently, our evaluator only gives the final result. However, these intermediate steps are really useful for analysis and troubleshooting sometimes. Just like the manual reductions we did in last post, we can check whether the evaluator follows the reduction rules by examining the intermediate steps. So in this post, I am going to refactor the implementation of the evaluator so that it is able to print the intermediate reduction steps.

Recursive Way
An essential task of the evaluator is to find the redex to be reduced next. In our current implementation, we find it in a recursive way. That is, to find a redex in an expression, we try to find it in its child expressions first. If not found, we check if the expression itself is a redex. In this process, the evaluate function may call itself for some subexpressions. This keeps the code simple and clean. However, it also puts us in a dilemma that we cannot get the whole picture of the evaluation process. In each function invocation, we are only aware of the expression or subexpression which is under evaluation, but we don't know its role(as a function or an argument) in the original expression, what its parent expression is and so on. All the information is called evaluation context. Actually, we do have it in the sequence of C function calls. In the runtime environment of C, the function invocations are stored in a stack, and for each one, there is a stack frame for it, which keeps data for arguments, results and temporary values. So the expression we are currently evaluating is stored in the top stack frame, and its parent is stored in a previous one, and so on. The evaluation context is hidden in the list of stack frames, but we don't have an easy way to get them in C.

A potential solution is to use a global variable pointing to the root of the expression tree and print it after each evaluation step. However, this method may not work for all cases. Take (lambda x + x x) 1 as an example, after a beta-reduction, the original tree is deleted with a new tree returned as the result, so the global variable becomes a dangling pointer. Even if this could meet our requirement for printing intermediate evaluation steps, we still cannot get more evaluation context information. So I am going to implement the evaluation algorithm in a different way to make the information easy accessible.

Iterative Way
The problem for recursive way is the evaluation context is saved across many stack frames and only that in the top one is accessible. So a solution we can easily thought of is keeping all the evaluation context information in the same stack frame. We need to get rid of the recursive calls and use an iterative way. To find the redex, we need to traverse the expression tree, and all the work is done in a single evaluate function call. Since everything is in the same stack frame now, we are allowed to get anything about the evaluation context.

Based on the call-by-value evaluation strategy, we can derive the following rules to find a redex:
    1) An identifier, constant or abstraction expression is not a redex;
    2) If the expression is an application or primitive application, check its child expressions from left to right, if anyone is not a value, find the redex in it. Otherwise, pick the expression as a redex.

Since the leftmost expression and the argument expression is evaluated first, we need a post-order traversal of the expression tree to find the redex and evaluate it. After each step, a new expression is got and it is closer to the final result. The same post-order traversal will be performed on the expression again and again, until a value is returned. For the case that an expression can never reduce to a value, the evaluator will run forever. For another case that something is wrong in the expression, an error message will be printed and the evaluator will returns NULL. The error handling mechanism will be added in the future so values will be returned for erroneous expressions as well. Here is the code for this iterative way:
// file: eval.c
TreeNode * evaluate(TreeNode *expr) {
    TreeNode* state = expr;
    TreeNode** previous = NULL;
    TreeNode* current = NULL;
    while(state!=NULL && !isValue(state)) {
        previous = &state;
        current = state;
        while(current!=NULL) {
            if(!isValue(current->children[0])) {
                previous = ¤t->children[0];
                current = current->children[0];
            }else if(!isValue(current->children[1])) {
                previous = ¤t->children[1];
                current = current->children[1];
            }else { // reduce the current node
                if(current->kind==AppK) {   // applications
                    if(current->children[0]->kind==ConstK) {
                        fprintf(errOut, "Error: cannot apply a constant to any argument.\n");
                        fprintf(errOut, "\t\t");
                        return NULL;
                    }else if(current->children[0]->kind==IdK) {
                        // find function from builtin and standard library
                        TreeNode* fun = resolveFunction(current->children[0]->name);
                        if(fun==NULL) {
                            fprintf(errOut, "Error: %s is not a predefined function.\n", current->children[0]->name);
                            return NULL;
                        current->children[0] = fun;
                    *previous = current;
                }else if(current->kind==PrimiK) {  // primitive application
                    // only perform primitive operation if operands are constants
                        && current->children[1]->kind==ConstK) {
                        TreeNode* tmp  = evalPrimitive(current);
                        current = tmp;
                        *previous = current;
                    } else {
                        fprintf(errOut, "Error: %s can only be applied on constants.\n", current->name);
                        return NULL;
                }else {
                    fprintf(errOut,"Error: Cannot evaluate unkown expression kind.\n");
                    return NULL;
        #ifdef DEBUG
            // print intermediate steps
            if(!isValue(state)) {
                fprintf(out,"-> ");
    return state;

In the code, variable state keeps the intermediate expression during the evaluation, so it is used to print the intermediate steps. Variable current points to the subexpression we are currently working with, and previous is a pointer to the current pointer, so after a beta-reduction or primitive evaluation is performed on the current subexpression, we can make the parent of current point to the new expression by changing the value of previous. The state and previous variable save part of the evaluation context information, and if others are needed, such as parent expression of the redex, they can be added easily. There are two loops in the code. The outer one runs until the evaluation result is a value, and the inner one implements the post-order traversal to find and evaluate the redex. The isValue() function tests if an expression is a value, which is identifier, constant or abstraction for now. The resolveFunction() function finds a predefined function from libraries in the order of builtin library and standard library. After each step, the intermediate expression is printed if the DEBUG flag is set.

Let's try a simple example:
$ ./main
Welcome to Lambda Calculus Evaluator.
Press Ctrl+C to quit.

> (lambda x * 2 x) ((lambda x x) 3)
-> (lambda x * 2 x) 3
-> * 2 3
-> (lambda x (lambda y x `*` y)) 2 3
-> (lambda y 2 `*` y) 3
-> 2 `*` 3
-> 6

Textual Machine
In a real computer, a set of registers is used to keep the computation states, such as PC, and a list of instructions like ADD and MOV can be performed on the state to transform the machine to a new state. Our evaluator can be considered as a machine too. In contrast, the state is the expression, and the instructions are the reductions that transform expressions to expressions. We call this a textual machine, because expressions are represented as texts. This is the first textual machine we have implemented, and to improve it, a few more will be introduced in later posts.


Recursion and Y Combinator

Today, I will talk about an important concept: recursion. It means a function could call itself inside its body. With recursion, many difficult problems can be solved in an easily understood way. A good case in point is the problem of Tower of Hanoi. In this post, a much simpler problem is used to demonstrate the concept of recursion and how we implement it in our evaluator.

Till now, our evaluator is capable of doing basic arithmetics, but that's not enough for a real programming language. Let's consider this problem: how to compute the factorial of n? For 3, we can compute it using (* 3 (* 2 1)); For 4, it is (* 4 (* 3 (* 2 1))). However, for n, we cannot write out the expression, because n is unknown when we are defining the function. By observing factorial 3 and 4, we can easily find out that factorial 4 is the multiplication of integer 4 and factorial 3. We can derive a recursive solution like this: to compute factorial of n, we can multiply n by factorial of n-1; to compute factorial of n-1, we can multiply n-1 by factorial of n-2; and so on. Until we meet factorial 1, whose result we know is 1. This is called the base case, where the recursion is stopped at. Start with this strategy, we can compute the factorial of n without writing out the whole expression, because the recursion will take care of it for us.

Based on the idea described before, we can define the factorial function recursively as follows:
    factorial  := (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))

We use the ":=" symbol to assign a name to a function to assist explanation and it has nothing to do with our lambda calculus evaluator. The = function checks the equality of two integers and returns a boolean value. This is not a correct expression because lambda calculus doesn't allow a function to refer to itself. Moreover, we are not able to write out such an expression, because when defining a function we need itself inside the body. Though we don't have the function when we are defining it, it will be available later. Thus, instead of referring to itself, the factorial function could have us supply a factorial function t as an argument. Using this strategy, the function we define is no longer a factorial function, but a factorial maker function: it takes some factorial function and produce a factorial function. The mkfactorial function is defined as:
    mkfactorial := (lambda t (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n (t (- n 1)))))

This is a legal expression in our lambda calculus evaluator, but it still sounds strange. We are defining a factorial function, but we rely on another factorial function. Obviously, we still don't have a factorial function. Think again, what if we change the definition of mkfactorial to which requires a maker function as an argument instead of a factorial functioin? We assume the mkfactorial function apply on a maker function t would produce a factorial function, and for every occurrence of a factorial function in the body we use (t t), because applying a maker function to itself produces a factorial function. We redefine the function as follows:
    mkfactorial' := (lambda t (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n ((t t) (- n 1)))))

And we could get factorial function by applying mkfactorial' to itself:
    factorial := mkfactorial' mkfactorial'

To examine whether the solution works, we are going to reduce factorial 3 and factorial n. To save space, I will use the names for the functions defind above during the reduction and only expand them when necessary. Remember, when evaluated in our evaluator, only the expanded expressions are kept. For factorial 3:
factorial 3
    = mkfactorial' mkfactorial' 3
    = (lambda t (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n ((t t) (- n 1))))) mkfactorial' 3
    => (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n ((mkfactorial' mkfactorial') (- n 1)))) 3
    => (= 3 1) 1 (* 3 ((mkfactorial' mkfactorial') (- 3 1)))
    => (* 3 ((mkfactorial' mkfactorial') 2))
    = (* 3 ((lambda t (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n ((t t) (- n 1))))) mkfactorial' 2))
    => (* 3 ((lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n ((mkfactorial' mkfactorial') (- n 1)))) 2))
    => (* 3 ((= 2 1) 1 (* 2 ((mkfactorial' mkfactorial') (- 2 1)))))
    => (* 3 (* 2 ((mkfactorial' mkfactorial') 1)))
    = (* 3 (* 2((lambda t (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n ((t t) (- n 1))))) mkfactorial' 1)))
    => (* 3 (* 2 ((lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n ((mkfactorial' mkfactorial') (- n 1)))) 1)))
    => (* 3 (* 2 ((= 1 1) 1 (* 1 ((mkfactorial' mkfactorial') (- 1 1))))))
    => (* 3 (* 2 1))
    => 6

And factorial n:
factorial n
    = mkfactorial' mkfactorial' n
    = (lambda t (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n ((t t) (- n 1))))) mkfactorial' n
    => (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n ((mkfactorial' mkfactorial') (- n 1)))) n
    => (= n 1) 1 (* n ((mkfactorial' mkfactorial') (- n 1)))
    => (* n ((mkfactorial' mkfactorial') (- n 1))

The meaning of (mkfactorial' mkfactorial') (- n 1) is factorial of n-1, and the result is what we want for factorial of n.

Y Combinator
Using the technique in the last section, we can construct the expressions for recursive functions from scratch. For each function, we always need to go through the following process: writing a function that refers to itself, changing it to a maker function, revising the maker function to make it accepts another makers function, and finally applying the maker function to itself. This is boring and clumsy. The significant part that makes each recursive function different is the maker function. Can we abstract this process into a function and the only thing we need to provide is a maker function?

The function we are eager to have is one that accepts a maker function and produces a recursive function. A maker function consists of two parts: a base case and a recursive case. The recursive stops when reaching the base case. Let's call the target function mk, and it is defined as:
    mk := (lambda t t (mk t))

Since argument t is a maker function, apply t to a recursive function, which we can make from (mk t) here, would again produce a recursive function, which is the result of mk. This is how we come up the definition of mk. Still, it is an illegal expression because mk refers to itself. Using the same technique as before, we can derive the maker function:
    mkmk' := (lambda k (lambda t t ((k k) t)))

and the mk function:
    mk := mkmk' mkmk'

We omitted the mkmk function. Now, we can define the factorial function as (mk mkfactorial). Let's check its behavior:
    = mk mkfactorial
    = (lambda k (lambda t t ((k k) t))) mkmk' mkfactorial
    => (lambda t t ((mkmk' mkmk') t)) mkfactorial
    => mkfactorial ((mkmk' mkmk') mkfactorial)
    = mkfactorial (mk mkfactorial)

According to the definition of mk, (mk mkfactorial) makes a factorial function, so the last step above is a factorial function. This is what we want.

With this mk function, we can define other recursive functions by providing a maker function. If we want to compute the sum of 1...n, we can define the function as follows:
    sum := mk (lambda t (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (+ n (t (- n 1)))))

In lambda calculus, mk is just one of such kind of functions. The more famous one is called Y:
    Y := (lambda f (lambda x f (x x)) (lambda x f (x x)))

Sometimes, when we are talking about Y combinator, it doesn't just mean the Y function, but a collection of functions like Y and mk.

Standard Library
The Y combinator is very useful for defining recursive functions. However, it is very inconvenient to write out the long expression every time we need it. So I would like to implement it as a predefined function in our evaluator, and we only need to call the Y function to use it. Unfortunately, the definition above cannot be used directly in our evaluator. Let's take a look at the reason:
Y g
    = (lambda f (lambda x f (x x)) (lambda x f (x x))) g
    => (lambda x g (x x)) (lambda x g (x x))
    => g ((lambda x g (x x)) (lambda x g (x x)))

In an eager evaluator, it won't progress in last step above, because the underlined part is an infinite loop and it can't be evaluated to a value. Since the argument is evaluated before applied to the function, g is never called in our current evaluator. This problem doesn't exist in a lazy evaluator. To solve this, we can change the underlined part to an abstraction expression. Do you still remember the η-conversion(that means λx. f x => f)? We can use the inverse-η conversion to change each application in Y into an abstraction.
    Y := (lambda f
            (lambda a
                (lambda x f (lambda g (x x) g))
                (lambda x f (lambda g (x x) g)) a))

Let's try to apply this new Y on mkfactorial:
Y mkfactorial
    = (lambda f (lambda a (lambda x f (lambda g (x x) g)) (lambda x f (lambda g (x x) g)) a)) mkfactorial
    => (lambda a (lambda x mkfactorial (lambda g (x x) g)) (lambda x mkfactorial (lambda g (x x) g)) a)
    => (lambda x mkfactorial (lambda g (x x) g)) (lambda x mkfactorial (lambda g (x x) g))
    => mkfactorial (lambda g ((lambda x mkfactorial (lambda g (x x) g)) (lambda x mkfactorial (lambda g (x x) g))) g)

Look at the last step, the underlined part is a function now, so we can apply it to the mkfactorial function. To save space, let's mark the underlined part as symbol T:
    => (lambda t (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n (t (- n 1))))) T
    => (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n (T (- n 1))))

This is the recursive function we finally get. Let's apply it on integer 1:
Y mkfactorial 1
    => (= 1 1) 1 (* 1 (T (- 1 1)))
    => (lambda x (lambda y x)) 1 (* 1 (T (- 1 1)))
    => (lambda y 1) (* 1 (T (- 1 1)))

In a lazy evaluator, the result 1 is returned from last step. While in our current eager evaluator, we won't get the expected result because of our implementation of if-statement using booleans. Currently, the boolean value is encoded using a function that cosumes two arguments. The (= 1 1) expression is evaluated to (lambda x (lambda y x)). Though the underlined part is never used in the function, we still have to evaluated it, and we will go into an infinite loop when doing so. From this example, we can conclude that Y combinator doesn't work in an eager evaluator which implements the if-statement as a pure function. To solve this, one way is using a lazy evaluation strategy. Another way is treating if-statement as a special form like Scheme. We choose the first option here, so all the things we talk later are implemented in our call-by-name evaluator.(If you use the second option, the Y function defined before will work without further modifications.)

Before adding Y function into our evaluator, I'd like to say a few words about builtin library and standard library. Till now, all the predefined functions in our evaluator are builtin functions, such as +, -, > and =. All the functions require the support of primitive operators by the evaluator. We cannot implement them using pure lambda calculus expression. While for standard functions, they are implemented as lambda calculus expressions. Without the builtin library, some features of the evaluator are lost, but without the standard library, programmers can still achieve the same effect by implementing the standard functions themselves using basic expressions. So the standard library is not mandatory and usually for programmer's convenience. The Y function is for such purpose, so we define it in the standard library.

The standard library is implemented in stdlib.h and stdlib.c files. It is similar to the implementation of builtin functions, so I won't duplicate the code here. The tricky part is that the yyparse() method is used to parse the expressions for standard functions into tree structure, so it could be used by the evaluator. The simple version of Y function is used because it works in our call-by-name evaluator. The evaluate function is also updated to search functions by name in the standard library. Please refer to source code for more information.

Some other functions, such as not, or and and, are added into the standard library in the same way. As an ending, let's try the factorial, sum and a more complex fibnacci function in our evaluator:
$ ./main
Welcome to Lambda Calculus Evaluator.
Press Ctrl+C to quit. 

# factorial 3
> Y (lambda t (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (* n (t (- n 1))))) 3
-> 6

# sum 4
> Y (lambda t (lambda n (= n 1) 1 (+ n (t (- n 1))))) 4
-> 10

# fibnacci 7
> Y (lambda t (lambda n (or (= n 1) (= n 2)) 1 (+ (t (- n 1)) (t (- n 2))))) 7
-> 13


Eager and Lazy Evaluation

In the post that solves the partially reduced problem, we talked about a defective evaluation and a robust one. Though they are quite different, there is one principle that is kept by both of them: evaluating the argument expression before applying it to the function. This is called eager evaluation. In our evaluator, the argument won't be applied to the function until it is evaluated to a value. Many programming languages use this eager evaluation strategy, such as C, Java and Scheme. Most programming languages have a if-statement: if condition then-clause else else-clause. When condition is true, the then-clause is executed; otherwise, the else-clause is excecuted. At any time, only one of them will be executed. In our evaluator, we use the boolean encoding, which is a function that accepts two parameters, to simulate such if-statement. However, it has a different semantic. Since we use eager evaluation, both arguments will be evaluated before applying to the function. Though only one argument is needed, still both are evaluated. This is the problem of implementing if-statement using pure functions in an eager evaluation manner(that's why Scheme provide if as a special form instead of a pure function). To solve this, we need the lazy evaluation. That is, the argument expression is not evaluated unless it is actually needed in the evaluation of the function body.

These two evaluation strategies will be discussed in detail in the following sections and we will show how to implement them by revising our current evaluator as well.

Eager Evaluation
As stated above, in eager evaluation, the argument to a function is always evaluated completely before applied to the function. Regarding to whether evaluating the body of a function, it can be further divided to applicative order and call by value.

Applicative Order
Though our defective evaluator has "partially reduced problem", we can add a tiny fix to make it work. Since the problem only happens after evaluating the application expression, we can decide whether to keep evaluating after the beta-reduction by checking its result: if it is primitive expression, or it is an application expression and its left child is an abstraction expression, which means the result is reducible, we will continue evaluating the result. Here is the code:
// file: eval.c
TreeNode * evaluate(TreeNode *expr) {
    TreeNode* result = expr;
    if(expr!=NULL) {
        switch(expr->kind) {
            case IdK:
            case ConstK:
                return expr;
            case AbsK:
                expr->children[1] = evaluate(expr->children[1]);
                return expr;
            case AppK:
                expr->children[0] = evaluate(expr->children[0]);
                expr->children[1] = evaluate(expr->children[1]);
                if(expr->children[0]->kind==IdK) {
                    // expand tree node for builtin functions
                    BuiltinFun* fun = lookupBuiltinFun(expr->children[0]->name);
                    if(fun!=NULL) {
                        expr->children[0] = (fun->expandFun)();
                result = betaReduction(expr);
                // beta-reduction may result in primitive operations
                if(result->kind==PrimiK ||
                    (result->kind==AppK && result->children[0]->kind==AbsK)) {
                    result = evaluate(result);
                return result;
            case PrimiK:
                expr->children[0] = evaluate(expr->children[0]);
                expr->children[1] = evaluate(expr->children[1]);
                // only perform primitive operation if operands are constants
                    && expr->children[1]->kind==ConstK) {
                    result = evalPrimitive(expr);
                return result;
                fprintf(errOut,"Unkown expression kind.\n");
    return expr;
In this fixed evaluator, the body of an abstraction expression is evaluated first, and arguments are evaluated from left to right(our syntax gurantees this). We call this applicative order(or leftmost innermost). As discussed in the post "Solving Partially Reduced Problem", this strategy can not reduce some expressions though they could be, such as (lambda x 7) (lambda x (lambda y y y) (lambda y y y)). Since the body of an abstraction is evaluated first, it will go into an infinite loop when evaluating the body of the argument, though it is never used in the function (lambda x 7).

Call by Value
The robust evaluation strategy we use is very common in modern programming languages. Unlike applicative order, it never evaluates the body of an abstraction expression. This is called call-by-value evaluation, because every argument must be reduced to a value before calling the function. Obviously, this call-by-value strategy can evaluate the expression referred at the end of last section, because it doesn't evaluate the body of an abstraction expression, but it still has the similar problem. Take (lambda x 7) ((lambda y y y) (lambda y y y)) as an example, this time we have an application expression as the argument, which cannot be reduced to a value. Apparently, call-by-value evaluation won't compute a value for such cases.

Lazy Evaluation
From the failed cases in the previous section, we learned that there are cases that argument expressions are never used in the function, so it is not necessary to evaluate them before applying to the function. Why don't we just pass them to the function and evaluate them only when we actually need them? Lazy evaluation is such a strategy that doesn't evaluate arguments until they are actually needed in the evaluation of the function body.

Normal Order
Normal order(or leftmost outermost) is the counterpart of applicative order in lazy evaluation. Though it doesn't evaluate arguments, it still evaluates the body of a function first, because its goal is to reduce the expression as much as possible. When implementing the evaluator, the right child of the application expression is not evaluated, and it is used directly to substitute the free occurences of the parameter in the body of the function. So if the argument is not used in the function, it will be ignored and never evaluated. Here is the full listing of code:
// file: eval.c
TreeNode * evaluate(TreeNode *expr) {
    TreeNode* result = expr;
    if(expr!=NULL) {
        switch(expr->kind) {
            case IdK:
            case ConstK:
                return expr;
            case AbsK:
                expr->children[1] = evaluate(expr->children[1]);
                return expr;
            case AppK:
                expr->children[0] = evaluate(expr->children[0]);
                if(expr->children[0]->kind==IdK) {
                    // expand tree node for builtin functions
                    BuiltinFun* fun = lookupBuiltinFun(expr->children[0]->name);
                    if(fun!=NULL) {
                        expr->children[0] = (fun->expandFun)();
                result = betaReduction(expr);
                // beta-reduction may result in primitive operations
                if(result->kind==PrimiK ||
                    (result->kind==AppK && result->children[0]->kind==AbsK)) {
                    result = evaluate(result);
                return result;
            case PrimiK:
                expr->children[0] = evaluate(expr->children[0]);
                expr->children[1] = evaluate(expr->children[1]);
                // only perform primitive operation if operands are constants
                    && expr->children[1]->kind==ConstK) {
                    result = evalPrimitive(expr);
                return result;
                fprintf(errOut,"Unkown expression kind.\n");
    return expr;
This strategy can evaluates more expressions than those eager ones, including the two failed expressions referred before. You could try them out.

Call by Name
In contrast to normal order, call-by-name doesn't evaluate the body of functions. The name of parameter is bound to the argument expression. So as normal order evaluation, every occurence of the parameter in the body of a function is substituted by the argument without evaluation. We implement this evaluator based on the robust evaluation, and only a tiny modification is needed to achieve such a call-by-name evaluator:
// file: eval.c
TreeNode * evaluate(TreeNode *expr) {
    TreeNode* result = expr;
    if(expr!=NULL) {
        switch(expr->kind) {
            case IdK:
            case ConstK:
            case AbsK:
                return expr;
            case AppK:
                expr->children[0] = evaluate(expr->children[0]);
                if(expr->children[0]->kind==IdK) {
                    // expand tree node for builtin functions
                    BuiltinFun* fun = lookupBuiltinFun(expr->children[0]->name);
                    if(fun!=NULL) {
                        expr->children[0] = (fun->expandFun)();
                    } else {
                        fprintf(errOut, "Error: %s is not a builtin function.\n", expr->children[0]->name);
                        return expr;
                return evaluate(betaReduction(expr));
            case PrimiK:
                expr->children[0] = evaluate(expr->children[0]);
                expr->children[1] = evaluate(expr->children[1]);
                // only perform primitive operation if operands are constants
                    && expr->children[1]->kind==ConstK) {
                    result = evalPrimitive(expr);
                } else {
                    fprintf(errOut, "Error: %s can only be applied on constants.\n", expr->name);
                return result;
                fprintf(errOut,"Unkown expression kind.\n");
    return expr;
An imperfect part of call-by-name strategy is that if an argument is used several times in the function, it is re-evaluated each time. So it is often slower than call-by-value. Take (lambda x + x x) (+ 1 2) as an example, the parameter x is used twice in the function body, so we need to evaluate (+ 1 2) twice, while it is evaluated once in the call-by-value evaluation.

Call by Need
To solve the performance problem of call-by-name, we can save the result of each argument when first time evaluated, and when it is used again, we don't need to evaluate it any more. Call-by-need is a memoized version of call-by-name, when the argument is evaluated, the result is stored for subsequent uses. It produces the same result as call-by-name. To implement it, some data structure, such as symbol table, are needed to store the values. Another challenge is arguments are not evaluated in the contexts where they are define. To do this correctly when they are needed, the context in which the argument expression is defined should be attached to it. This requires another important concept called environment and I'd like to implement it in the future.

Now, we have various evalutors with different evaluation strategies in our toolbox. In the future, if I don't emphasize a particular evaluator, that means we are talking about the call-by-value evaluation. Otherwise, I will specify which evaluation strategy we are talking about.

This post only mentioned some common evaluation strategies. For a complete list, please refer to Evaluation strategy. Remember you can still reach the full list of code from here.